Monday, July 5, 2010

Internet War

In the age of information almost everything in the world changes very fast in compare to the past, for instance people's behavior, wearing cloth, relationship and friendship and even traveling .Most of the time, I really try to be optimistic and see every thing good and bright. Changing people cloths in the world can not be so bad if we think about how convenience and comfort they are . I am not worried also about how people around the world change their languages as far as I think an international language can increase better and easier understanding of people . But how much can we be optimistic? Do you agree with me it is crazy that many old civilizations forget all about fathers customs? Do you think Internet is the most guilty one to spread western culture and causes many young generations of old countries attract to the west ? If you are still optimistic as much as I was ,please look at online advertising of US and Europe products more rigorous than before. How about online games? Can you see any thing unethical and abnormal which is just acceptable in western culture? Soon, you will find that they try to dominate their culture in other countries slowly and subtly without any barrier or defence.In my opinion ,as I mentioned at the first line every thing changes in this age and one of them is how countries war. Obviously not too many soldiers need for battling and not too many weapons require. Computer programmers are their soldiers and online ads or games and many other tools replace with guns and swords. The most painful thing is there is not any horn to alert that the war start and enemies do not wear armor in which can recognize friends among enemies or enemies among friends.

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