Friday, June 4, 2010

Censorship in Cyberspace

Censorship refers to limit or control of publishing or accessing the internet's information. Base on this definition censorship is possible in some technical methods such as IP blocking (access to a certain IP address is denied) ,URL filtering ,DNS filtering and so on. It is obvious each country has specific regulation for freedom of speech in both online and offline condition and uses own method to band the internet.For instance Smart Filter which is a software program owned by Secure Computing is used by Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and Sudan in Asia. US and UK are other Secure Computing users.
It is not surprising that users respond to filtering and always attempt to find a successful way to break the censorship.Some common methods are proxy websites, Java Anon Proxy, Tor and Sneaker nets.
Countries around the world categorize in to 5 sections in term of Open net Initiative: Pervasive, Substantial, Nominal, Indirect, Watchlist.
Example of Pervasive are Cuba and China and Substantial's example is Australia.
On the other hand, Reporters without Borders published a list in 2010 and named 13 countries as internet enemies. China , Cuba, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are seen in this list.

References of information:

1 comment:

  1. You've got many good info around here. Keep it up.
